The kid, the truck, and the dog that is! I took these way back at the beginning of July for
Gatlin's 5 1/2 year pics. Since he doesn't like going without his sunglasses, we tried something different and waited until the sun went down. I wanted the tall oats in the photo, but they were ready to be cut right after we got back from camping over the 4
th of July. So we hurried up and got out there. What you don't see is my dad on his tractor out there already starting to cut the field.
As for the old truck -- well, it is the first vehicle my husband and I ever bought. There were no funds at the time -- he was an Airman in the Air Force, and I was a full-time college student, and it ran. When we were able to upgrade to a 70's model, we sold the truck around 2001 to someone my husband used to work with. We got a chance to buy back the truck this year, and my husband jumped on it.
Nevermind that we paid more for it than we sold it for! I hope that my husband doesn't find that 70's model truck we sold or we will probably be the proud owners of it again too.